by Africa Health Budget Network | Aug 3, 2021 | News
Written by Ramatoulaye Diallo (CEFOREP) Through to a strong advocacy, the malagasy civil society organizations network on the GFF is involved in the process and has become a member of the steering committee of the national platform and is represented in the technical...
by Africa Health Budget Network | Aug 3, 2021 | News
Écrit par Ramatoulaye Diallo (CEFOREP) Très tôt engagée, la société civile burkinabé, regroupée au sein du Groupe Technique Santé de la Reproduction (GTSR) et du Réseau de la Société Civile pour la Nutrition (RESONUT), a participé à toutes les étapes du processus du...
by Africa Health Budget Network | Aug 3, 2021 | News
Written by Ramatoulaye Diallo (CEFOREP) Very early on, Burkinabé civil society, grouped together within the Technical Reproductive Health Group (GTSR) and the Civil Society Network for Nutrition (RESONUT), participated in all stages of the GFF process from situational...
by Africa Health Budget Network | Jul 7, 2021 | News, Nigeria, RMNCAH+N, Young People
Rédigé par Ogechi Irechukwu (elle/il), Oyeyemi Pitan (elle/il) & Dr. Obinna Onuoha Avec le soutien de l’Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) et le financement du PMNCH, une retraite de plaidoyer de 2 jours a été organisée les 7 et 8 avril 2021, en faveur des...
by Africa Health Budget Network | Jul 7, 2021 | News, Nigeria, RMNCAH+N, Young People
Written by Ogechi Irechukwu (she/her), Oyeyemi Pitan (she/her) & Dr. Obinna Onuoha With support from the Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) and funding from PMNCH, a 2-day advocacy retreat was organised between 7th and 8th April 2021, for NGOs and young people,...
by Africa Health Budget Network | Jul 7, 2021 | COVID-19, News, West Africa
Rédigé par M. Victor Koroma & Dr. Obinna Onuoha Le groupe de travail sur la responsabilité financière de la COVID-19 en Sierra Leone a tenu sa réunion inaugurale le mercredi 2 juin 2021 au Ministère des Finances à Freetown. La réunion, qui a rassemblé des ONG...