Our Approach

  • We gather, synthesize, and analyze evidence including on budget and finances and support our membersโ€™ advocacy and accountability efforts

    We organize and/or attend virtual consultations on African health advocacy priorities, summarize and disseminate to larger audience.

    We catalyze and support the emergence of COVID-19 Finances Accountability Working Group in West African Countries โ€“ Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

    We support members to attend meetings at country, regional and global levels and provide feedback to others.

    We support members to take forward advocacy and monitoring of financial commitments made within existing accountability platforms at regional and national levels.

    We gain credibility and space by informing and coordinating inputs from civil society on health financing topics into accountability structures, for example the Global Financing Facility for women and children, FP2030, UHC2030, GAP for SDG3 and PMNCH.

    We host an online not-for profit newspaper for Africa โ€˜Health Reportersโ€™